Kamis, 03 November 2011


Having you is the best thing that God gives to me. I say a big thanks to God to send you to me. A beautiful, nice, and care woman that I called “mother”. You know Mom I love you more than everything in this word. Seeing smile in your face is the greatest thing that I want to have it forever. When I was young, I obeyed what you said. You asked me to get the first rank, I studied hard to get it. I always do what you ask me to do.

Then, I grew older and older. Now I’m not a child or teenage anymore, I have been an adult. I think I have right to go where I want to go, I have right to do what I want to do. I really want to fulfill my life with my dreams, do what are in my dreams. I want you to support me. I want you to say “Go, and reach your dream. You know Mom, I want to go Australia, I want to get my master degree there. I want to go around Indonesia. I want to go traveling by plane, big ship, delman, becak, and bike. I want to go around the world. I want to enjoy my breakfast in Paris, enjoy my lunch in Thailand, and get my dinner in Egypt.
I just want you to say “Get spirit, don’t never give up. I really you want to say like that. I promise Mom, when I go I will save my self. I will keep my iman and ikhsan. I will keep my health. Let me go. I don’t want to be disappointed later. Please let me go. I star my dreams with going to some cities in east java. I want to enjoy my traveling. I know I have been so busy, but please Mom let me go. I want to see this wide world. I beg you Mom please, Don’t break my wings…..

October 2011

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